Eye Exams

The Routine Eye Exam
Routine comprehensive eye tests are important for everyone in every age group as part of their annual or bi-annual health check. We recommend routine comprehensive eye tests every 1 - 2 years commencing from 4 years of age.
A comprehensive eye test at Proview Optical Chatswood offers a complete and thorough look at your vision, visual system, visual physiology and biology while incorporating the latest eye testing equipment. Our optometrist eye doctors are interested in offering the latest and most up to date eye care and information to ensure that you achieve your personal best vision and eye health.
What's involved?
What does an eye test at Proview Optical involve?
1/ Understanding your visual concerns, your daily and weekly visual demands, and your medical history including medications and pre-existing conditions, your ocular and visual history and your family ocular history including any sight threatening diseases.
2/ Checking your refractive status, your binocular visual system and your accommodative function.
3/ Thorough assessment of the anterior eye to check for conditions including dry eyes, blepharitis, allergic conjunctivitis, corneal dystrophies, corneal epithelial erosions, iris tumours, lens opacities including cataracts.
4/ Thorough assessment of your posterior eye with slit-lamp fundoscopy, OCT Scan, Digital retinal imaging and ultra-widefield retinal imaging to detect conditions such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy, central serous retinopathy, retinal haemorrhages, retinoschisis, retinal thinning,peripheral retinal holes, retinal tears which can lead to retinal detachment, retinal tumours, retinal bacterial infections, retinal fungal infections and retinal inflammatory diseases such as posterior uveitis.
5/ Intraocular pressure examination and corneal thickness testing in some instances.
Eye examinations at Proview Optical are comprehensive and may include:
1/ Presenting concern
2/ Secondary concerns
3/ Medical history
4/ Ocular history
5/ Family Medical and Ocular history
6/ Visual acuity
7/ Auto-refraction / Retinoscopy
8/ Subjective refraction
9/ Near accommodative posture
10/ Near accommodative range
11/ Distance and near phoria
12/ Eye movements
13/ Near point of convergence assessment
14/ Trial prescription for distance and near
15/ Assess visual needs
16/ Determine appropriate spectacle prescriptions
17/ Slit-lamp assessment of all anterior eye structures
18/ Fluoroscein assessment of the tear film, cornea and conjunctiva
19/ Dry eye evaluation
20/ Cataract assessment
21/ Stereoscopic Optic nerve head evaluation
22/ Retinal scan of the posterior eye (Charges apply.)
23/ OCT Scan of the macula (Charges apply.)
24/ OCT Scan of the optic nerve head (Charges apply.)
25/ Intra-ocular pressure test
26/ Glaucoma risk evaluation
27/ Macular degeneration risk evaluation
28/ Diabetic eye disease evaluation
29/ Cholesterol evaluation
What is the outcome of an eye test at Proview Optical?
Following your comprehensive eye examination, we are able to determine what optical appliances you will need based on your visual demands. We will also advise you of any eye health conditions you may have, what eye health conditions you are at risk of developing and recommendations to help alleviate or ameliorate these eye conditions including advice on visual hygiene, diet, modifiable health risk factors and your next advisable comprehensive eye exam.
What optical appliances are usually recommended?
In short, glasses, contact lenses, orthokeratology, lasik eye surgery or lens implantation surgery are viable options for correcting our vision.
Glasses are not a one size fits all, with glasses now prescribed for reading, computer work, office work, driving, sports, the opera, sailing, every day wear, presentation or lecturing, occupational and recreational.
Contact lenses are available for sports, everyday wear, for studying, work, swimming and holidays.